1. Background

Privacy Policy


1.1 These Terms and Conditions (”Privacy Policy”) contain information about Exagard’s processing of personal data in connection with the use of the application and the web parts of the Exagard system.


2.1 The Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) exists to protect people from violating their personal integrity when processing personal data. Personal information is any kind of information that is about or can be linked to a living person.

By process is meant, among other things, to collect, register, store and process personal data. Personal data that is registered and processed in Exagard is only for internal use by the customer who is also responsible for informing this to his employees. It is possible for the person who is registered to access the information that has been registered about him or her, this is called to request a register extract.

Personal data is processed by Exagard so that users of the system can fulfill their responsibilities as an employer and offer the opportunity for staff to take on existing security and safety requirements in a modern and effective way. The customer / user of Exagard is responsible for personal data and the processing is based on Article 6 of the Data Protection Regulation.

Exagard registry extracts can be ordered by contacting Exagard via email info@exagard.se. Identity verification is required with the help of valid identification. Individuals can only request a registry extract on themselves.

All data on individuals is traceable and can be completely removed from Exagard upon request without affecting the function of the ongoing security work in the organization using the system.